Fear is the bogeyman of our existence!
Frequently, it goes unspoken. It's a feeling. A nagging doubt. A place of discomfort. There are many acronyms for fear, the most common is False Expectations Appearing Real. How about:
Finding Excuses And Reasons!
Forget Everything and Run! or if you prefer F*** Everything and Run!
or my favorite
Frantic Effort to Avoid Reality!
Let's get something straight.
Fear is normal. It's an emotional reaction to a thought or behavior that we believe to be true.
The truth is fear is our imagination at work.
What about being FEARLESS?
Being fearless is the ability to move beyond our fear-based thinking and have the courage to change the narrative.
Do you have stories in your head that have kept you in self-doubt wishing you could change but not taking action to do the work you need to make changes?
In this 30-DAY CHALLENGE I've created a roadmap for you to identify your fears, and write a different narrative so you can move beyond them. You can learn to move beyond the fears that may be keeping you stuck.
I'm not promising that change is's not. BUT...if you are willing to face the discomfort of learning truths about yourself, and you're willing to make the commitment to change, you will be astounded at how fast you can make the shifts with the right support.
Over 30-day you will use my powerful workbook to take a deep dive into the fears that are holding you back AND....I'm opening up my Zoom room once a week to answer your questions and keep you accountable for the results you want.
Make no mistake...this is where the gold is. Invaluable guidance and shared connections that will last you a lifetime.
This is not hyperbole.
"I'll just start by saying that I wasn't looking for a program like this. I didn't know what I needed but I knew that I needed something. I have undermined the importance of taking care of myself mentally and in my own professional development and there's a huge gap that I've always known has been there, but I've been too scared dive into. I'm shocked at the impact this program has had on me in 30-days. In a bigger, broader sense, this challenge allows you to drill down really, really deep in a way, and get to know what is holding you back. It's been a priceless experience." - Hayley McLaughlin.
This is a small group for a reason.
You get individualized attention that I normally charge many thousands of dollars for.
Why am I giving this to you for free? Very simple.
I've had many mentors and great support when I couldn't afford to hire someone, and I want to pay it forward.
Too many people need the kind of support I can give, but can't afford it or have chosen not to invest in themselves.
If you're ready to make a full commitment to yourself that you will attend for the full four weeks then complete the form below.
I will only accept six who are sincerely ready for the challenge. If there are more, I will add you to the waiting list.
The next group starts October 29 at 4pm PST and we will meet for one hour weekly for four weeks.
Are you brave enough to raise a hand and take the opportunity?
Complete the form below and if you are accepted, I will send you the workbook and the Zoom link to get started.
One more thing...don't say yes to this if you don't have the time or real investment in doing the work. You need to be clear that this is for your benefit.
Remember, there are only six spots available.
Note: Once you've agreed to participate, I don't want you to crap out after the first week because you think you know what you know or you might be too scared to discover something new! Just saying!
Are you ready to take me up on the offer?
Then put your name in the ring and let's get started. Once the six people are committed I have to close the doors for another month so don't wait.
30-days to examine, reframe and eliminate what creates fear in your life.