“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” — Earl Nightingale

17 years ago, a coach asked me to write my life story. I’d already done one version of an earlier part of my life in my novel When The Crow Sings, but this would be different. It would be focused on fear.

It was a daunting task, and I wasn’t sure I could do it because at the time I didn’t think I had much to say on the subject. I was wrong.

With some help and much encouragement to keep me focused, I wrote The Fearless Factor to share the journey I had taken to overcome my fears, insecurities, and lack of belief in myself. It was meant to encourage others to take their own journey so they could overcome their limited beliefs and find the confidence to be more courageous and fearless.

At the end of every chapter, I asked the reader deep self-reflective questions that prompted them to explore their fears, lack of trust, relationships, and communication habits, and many other topics. They explored their why, and what about that matters aspects of their lives. The reviews were positive, and people found the book and the questions life changing.

Eventually, I took these questions from the book, and began creating different teaching modules that were designed to take people on a journey to transformational change.

If you’ve been following my newsletters you know I love asking questions.

I used it in teleseminars (remember those?), and webinars, then retreats at my home in Bali. Over time, I began to see the impact that these questions were having on the people who dared take the journey with me that created massive changes in their lives.

Among the many success stories one woman became an Emmy award winning brand strategist. Another went from almost broke to creating a seven-figure food bar business, and someone became a leading authority in the nuclear industry.

And then I got distracted by other goals and put the program on the shelf where it remained for seven years.

Fast forward two years ago. Covid wiped out my business. Doors were shut and everyone hunkered down for the long term. I had to do something different.

The folder with the program, which had been carefully designed by a talented graphic designer, was languishing. It was time to refocus and make something happen.

A colleague who knew of the program said, “get that program into the world,” and introduced me to an instructional designer.

I asked her to help me build something that people won’t ignore!

“A year from now you may wish you had started today.” ― Karen Lamb

In 2022, after completing a successful pilot program with 16 people, and then a trial on a new platform with five more, the results have been beyond my expectations. Simply put, I am humbled by the testimonials of these individuals and profoundly excited at the possibilities for the future.

“Transformational Strategies for Success is an excellent program for those looking to push past their own self-limiting fear. TSS helped me identify what was holding me back and provided strategies for shifting my mindset. Jacqueline has created an impressive and well-researched program.” – Kirsten Y. Howley

Today, we are officially launching Transformational Strategies for Success. This self-directed, online deeply immersive personal development program is now impossible to ignore!

TSS helps identify the fundamental issues of Who are you? Who would you like to become? What do you want? And critically, what are the limitations that are holding you back?

We are all capable of so much more but at times, we give up too easily before we’ve had a chance to reach our goals. I certainly felt that way at times.

  • How do you stay focused on your goals?

For me, it was the never give up mentality that has fueled my adventurous life. When told I can’t do something, I generally respond with “watch me!”

  • Have you taken the time to examine your strengths and your blind spots to reach your goals?

Without all the self-examination I did over a period of forty years I would never have created the body of work I can now speak with pride about.

  • What is your greatest fear?

We are all in a state of becoming. Fear held me back and I played small even when people told me I had much more to give.  It ruled my life for many decades. And it’s mostly the stories we tell ourselves that are not true.

  • How much do you want to change what’s not working? 

If I had not persevered, taken chances, been willing to face the discomfort of learning and changing what was clearly not working for me, and faced the impact I was having on the lives of those I care about the most, I would not be here today celebrating this amazing milestone. When we commit to our goals miracles happen.

When you are driven by your passion, have given yourself permission to take more risks, and can push past the limitations you impose on yourself, and allow others to impose on you, miracles do happen.

I have a vision and I want you to help me support it.

Let’s change the world, one person at a time.

It’s a tall order but my mission is to make work joyous because people enjoy what they do… without all the fear and insecurity that gets in the way of being your best self.

I’m looking for 12 committed people who want to invest in making their lives and the lives of those who matter to them better.

If you want to be considered for the program talk to me. I want to make sure it’s a good fit for you before we say yes to getting you onboard.

And remember, being fearless is not the absence of fear, but the courage to take the next step and see what opportunities await you on the other side.

With Transformational Strategies for Success you will take ownership of your amazing skills and talents, be more confident in your choices and claim more authority at work, so you can find greater confidence and comfort across all dimensions of your career and be more passionate about the life you live.

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