Fearless Friday 5 Strategies for Career and Life

The world we live in right now feels like it is out of control, and individually, we may struggle to find our balance amidst all the chaos. Living with uncertainty is hard. We crave information that confirms our future will be stable. We struggle with ambiguity because it makes it hard to focus on creating a stable vision of the future. Uncertainty takes its toll on our health and no amount of planning will guarantee a clear outcome. Under these circumstances it is more important than ever to find ways to decompress and let go of any anxiety that may be undermining peace of mind. More than ever we must embrace change as a necessity and get comfortable being uncomfortable in order to grow.

Strategy 1

Read Fearlessly Speaking Newsletter Why Is It So Hard To Make Changes In Your Career and Life

We fear change because it means that outcomes are unknown. Our brains seek stability and certainty. When we don’t know what will happen, we make up stories and worse case scenarios. We find it hard to move on when something comes to an end, and we resist making the changes necessary to improve our situation… Your life is created by achievements big and small, and it is in the achievement of our goals that we find our success. When we resist making changes we lose opportunities to discover how much more we can be, and how we can have more impact in our life.

Strategy 2

Watch Bill Eckstrom Why Comfort Will Ruin Your Life

After documenting and researching over 50,000 coaching interactions in the workplace, Bill Eckstrom shares life-altering, personal and professional development ideas through the introduction of the “Growth Rings.” The rings illustrate how dangerous it can be to remain in a state of comfort and how being in discomfort is the only way to sustain growth. You’ll be amazed at the world-changing outcomes discomfort can have on your life and the lives of others.

Strategy 3

Listen to Jacqueline Wales on Fearless Change with Celine Williams

Leading through crisis or change is the subject of this conversation as we discuss the role of fear as a driver for growth and the ability to deal with the discomfort of change to feel more empowered, confident and resilient. When we discuss crisis we are really saying that people are not dealing with change well and in order to overcome the challenge we need to develop greater self-awareness to manage the changes and move forward to the next level of discomfort because it is only in discomfort that we can truly grow.

Strategy 4

Read Mike Robbins Nothing Changes Until You Do

Our relationship with ourselves is the most important relationship you will ever cultivate. Yet, even the most successful person struggles with self-doubt, self-criticism, and vulnerability. In this book, Mike Robbins shows us the power of self-compassion and getting out of our own way.

Strategy 5


The number one thing that makes change possible is we must get comfortable being uncomfortable. Change is the only thing that is 100% certain. We have all mastered change throughout our life, and yet we still resist. We crave order but as Bill Eckstrom eloquently stated, we need complexity to create lives that truly matter.


  1. If you are feeling stuck, what investment do you have in staying stuck? What do you need to change to move forward?
  2. What would trusting yourself look like? How much more confident would you be?
  3. Where do you play safe by staying in your comfort zone?
  4. What is the one thing you can do to bring more self-compassion into your life?
  5. Who would you ask for help in order to change and grow?

Change is a gift. It brings opportunities and possibilities that you have not considered or even begin to understand. It is the source of all things that grow and die. It is the only reliable source of evolution. Embrace change and enjoy life.

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