Jacqueline Wales

An astute observer of behavior, I am endlessly fascinated by the messiness of being human, and I find people who are vulnerable and honest about their struggles incredibly interesting and courageous. I’ve explored human behavior and asked tough questions to discover hard truths for more than thirty-five years. My focus—with individuals and groups, in person or virtually—is to develop fearless leaders. Leaders who will dig into self-discovery, take accountability for their actions and responsibility for their decisions. Leaders ready to be challenged and do the work for the sake of their careers and their lives.

Fearless Friday 5 Strategies for Career and Life Success

Are You Ready to Redesign Your Work Life? While analysts question whether the Great Resignation will continue or is waning, do you feel like you missed the opportunity to make your move? Did you stay gainfully employed, but wish you had quit? Do you long to create a different work life reality but can’t take

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Why Does Fear Matter To Your Success?

The world of work has changed, and we are facing unprecedented shortages of talent in many organizations. Gallup’s latest research on employee retention indicates that fewer than one in four employees feel strongly that their organizations care about their wellbeing – which is the lowest in a decade. It is especially noticeable among mid-level managers who have experienced

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Empathy: Are You Bringing It To Work?

Empathy: Are You Bringing It To Work? When you listen to an exquisite piece of music or read a scene in a book where the character overcomes something, you feel it. When a colleague shares their struggles, you know how they feel. According to author and professor Richard Boyatzis, the underlying intent of empathy is wanting to

Empathy: Are You Bringing It To Work? Read More »

5 Fearless Strategies for Success – Fail Better

FAIL BETTER Very few people are comfortable with failure. It carries a stigma that perhaps we are not good enough, that we don’t have the skills or talents, and we are somehow incompetent. It could not be further from the truth. Our failures are steppingstones to whatever dream or goal we desire, and sometimes we

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