Fearless Narratives

For A Changing World

5 Fearless Strategies for Career and Life Success

Are You Ready to Redesign Your Work Life? While analysts question whether the Great Resignation will continue or is waning, do you feel like you missed the opportunity to make your move? Did you stay gainfully employed, but wish you had quit? Do you long to create a different work life reality but can’t take […]

Are You Ready To Redesign Your Work Life?

In the movie ‘Network’ the main character played by Peter Finch, a brilliant actor, said, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!” This could be the anthem for the wave of resignations that are taking place throughout many corporations today. After almost two full years of a pandemic, and no […]

Fearless Friday Strategies

What We Have Here Is a Failure To Communicate! Writing about our communication habits this week I focused on the art of listening? We are all (ncluding me) terrible at listening sometimes. We put too much focus on our response when someone is talking, and not enough attention on what’s actually being said. Think about […]

“What we have here is a failure to communicate!”

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place – George Bernard Shaw Your life—and your leadership—succeeds or fails based on your meaningful interactions with others. The quality of your conversations changes everything. In our lives we’ve likely had many communication failures: mixed messages, unspoken needs or desires, inability to […]

Fearless Friday Strategies

This week I spoke about the importance of playing a bigger game. As ambitious, and high-achieving individuals we usually dream of bigger things, but how many are willing to risk all to achieve their dreams? How many are still playing small when they want to play large? The last two plus years have taken their […]

Are You Playing a Bigger Game?

In your career, do you play small or go big? If you tend to shy away from giving it your all, you’re not alone. Almost 70% of the population is satisfied going along to get along. In my years of coaching high achieving women, no matter how much success they have achieved, there is still a […]

Building Empathy in the Workplace

Building Empathy in The Workplace Everyone wants to be understood but not everyone takes the time to understand the others point of view. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the other’s shoes. If you can feel what other people are feeling, or at least relate to it in some way, you are in […]

Empathy: Are You Bringing It To Work?

Empathy is essential in the workplace and above all, from leaders. Empathic leaders have a greater capacity to boost morale in their teams. They are curious about people, and they are always happy to engage their inquisitive natures. They celebrate differences rather than similarities. When empathy is missing, individuals may isolate, and their perspectives go unheard […]

Empathy: Are You Bringing It To Work?

Empathy: Are You Bringing It To Work? When you listen to an exquisite piece of music or read a scene in a book where the character overcomes something, you feel it. When a colleague shares their struggles, you know how they feel. According to author and professor Richard Boyatzis, the underlying intent of empathy is wanting to […]

5 Fearless Strategies for Success – Fail Better

FAIL BETTER Very few people are comfortable with failure. It carries a stigma that perhaps we are not good enough, that we don’t have the skills or talents, and we are somehow incompetent. It could not be further from the truth. Our failures are steppingstones to whatever dream or goal we desire, and sometimes we […]

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